Linda Eleanor Marsanico
3 min readMay 22, 2020
Pollination by Julie https://www.flickr.com/photos/Juliek1967/17030895645/

Returning from yoga class two weeks ago, a first bumble bee of the season buzzed before me, and around the flowers in the front garden. I saw another bee this week. When these amazing creatures visit I feel hopeful and happy since scientists indicate that the bee population is dwindling due to various kinds of pollution.

Forsythia, one of my favorite early visitors, bloomed seemingly overnight, to intoxicate me into spring. Forsythia sprout yellow flowers, which are quickly replaced by green ones. So short lived is the burst of yellow that we must enjoy it while we can.

John Paul Satre philosophized that we get meaning from life because it is finite — death occurs. I would say that life in the physical form doesn’t last forever — It’s our spirit that is eternal. Relationships are like that too. There are so many opportunities to move a relationship forward by confronting an issue. We don’t know how long people will remain in our lives. Appreciate them. Lean into the important connections, being genuine and communicative.

We are truly alive when we remain present. A spiritual saying is that all things are possible at all times. It is wise to be awake — not in the past nor in the future with our thoughts — so that we are open to these possibilities.



Linda Eleanor Marsanico

I am a writer - mostly about love and compassion. I believe that this is a profound way for me to be spiritual, by walking the walk and talking the talk.